Book read - Capital Conquest

A straight-forward and sometimes, a bit taxing read about Aam Aadmi Party and Arvind Kejriwal. The author, known for her favorable views about AAP, gives a good account on the churning happening within the party from a slight pro-kejriwal perspective. The book is basically a collection of ideas the author expressed in her Outlook pieces. As Saba puts it, though AAP has the imagination and will for the alternative politics they claim to represent, we have to see if they apply it in governance. AAP’s first full-term in Delhi, promises to be an interesting one.



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Puli movie

Saw Puli movie a couple of weeks ago. Though the premise, fantasy-setting had a lot of scope for experimentation and opportunity for unique attempts. Seems like it hardly bothered the director, who went with the usual tamil cinema... Continue →